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Hello my chickpea...

Love them or hate them. A chickpea sceptic to a chickpea conformer.

Sorry to disappoint those readers who was hoping it was a spelling's not chicken and peas. I feel for you, as I was in the same position before I tried these little balls crammed full of goodness!

Yes, this tiny little bean... I never thought I would like them as much as I do! Just the name hummus was just about enough to put me off; who wants pureed beans, right? Wrong!

My first interaction with the chickpea was when it was disguised in a salad.

I had to steel myself...

Haha, I'm only joking, what an exaggeration! And wow, was I pleasantly surprised by the taste! :)

As they say the rest is history. I became 'daring' and ate a few sans other ingredients. I have been trying various applications of the chickpea and with certainty I can definitely say I prefer the roasted chickpea. This bean's texture changes to both a crispy and chewy delight. Now I don't look back and my journey of enjoying chickpeas continues.

Briefly mentioning some health benefits; these little guys are rich in protein and fibre. They are beneficial in protecting against some chronic diseases, and aid in weight mangement as they give you a feeling of satiety.

Chickpea lover or hater? Pop us a comment below.

For those of you who haven't heard of chickpeas or those that haven't had the desire to try them, I urge you to give them a taste. Post a comment below sharing your chickpea love-or -hate relationship.

That's all for now...

You will find me and my Garbanzo beans taking a relaxing moment soaking up some of the Summer sunshine. Don't you just love the term Garbanzo bean? - It sounds intriguingly foreign, just as appealing as an individual with a beautiful accent...

Am I alone in this above mentioned sentiment? Please let me know in a comment, maybe this time I really will have to steel myself when receiving your feedback :)

Based on your feedback perhaps a chickpea part 2 post is on the menu. I will post a few recipies for you all to try and delve a bit more into the benefits of the chickpea.



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