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International Mother Language Day

A celebration of our native language.

Can you guess how many languages are spoken? We have as many as 7139 languages spoken across the world. Wow! Let that sink in!

How wonderful if you are bilingual, trilingual or polylingual (is the latter a correct term🤔)?

While many new ones are continually being created, many are getting spoken less and less and on their way to becoming extinct. More are being added to the extinct list.

Please click on the link for a poll with some language choices, to see what you lovely victorious people would prefer to learn.

Readers! I researched the term 'polylingual' and yes that word does exist, however, part of me was slightly disappointed as I had hoped I created a neologism. Neologism or to not, I discovered that the word multilingual would also suffice.

Totsiens, until the next post.

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