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January has just about packed up its bags and left. Does your holiday seem to be fading into the background and all that seems to remain is just another very distant memory - floating away like a lilo drifting from alongside the edge of the pool to its centre and slipping out of reach?

We are approaching the end of the first 31 days of the year. How has January treated you? Mostly good or bad, which side is the scale tipping? Neither here nor there - I'll grant you the option of settling on middle-of-the-road, that it's been 'meh'.

Has January been your friend or foe? Has the month got you feeling like you have been going about your daily routine with a heavy and dark rain cloud, which seems to follow you like a shadow? Or are you having the best January and things couldn't be going any better? Your answer is completely subjective and pretty much comes down to our outlook on the things that happen to us.

For those of you that created new year's resolutions - how are you progressing? Those still going strong, I know your secret... it's all possible with an extreme amount of coffee, at least 10 cups a day to keep functioning. All jokes aside, I truly hope January has been kind to you :).

I have been pondering over a few things lately, and wondering in which direction to proceed. Changes are in order. Growth and transformation is definitely on the list for this year. Growth in all aspects of our lives - emotionally, spiritually, socially and physically. However, for this shorty there might not be much success with the latter no matter how much I will myself to become taller. Unfortunately there's no magic growth potion, yet...

I aim to become more confident, not so fearful of social interactions, and most importantly live life. Yes my fellow introverts is does mean leaving the house sometimes. I will also consciously remind myself to cherish every moment and always possess an enormous amount of thankfulness.

What is something positive that happened to you during this month? What are you most looking forward to for the rest of the month?

...Payday anyone!? YES! *insert 'I just got paid' by Ella Eyre, Meghan Trainor and Sigala*. This one month has felt like three. Can I have a hear-hear! If only holidays could feel this length of time. Yes, can I have another hear-hear! I know I haven't written in a couple weeks... don't worry I did not ghost you. As with most relationships absence make the heart grow fonder.

It's been great to write a blog post again. :)

Right, I'm going to grab that cup of coffee, my 1 of 10 required for the day;). On a note of caution, please do not overdo your coffee consumption per day. If you are drinking cups of coffee for the purpose of trying to be more awake, here's a something that might surprise you - you're actually better off eating an apple. The sugars in the apple are gradually released, which allows for an even distribution of energy.

Maybe I can get the best of both worlds... a strong, aromatic and flavourful cuppa in one hand, and perfectly balanced with an apple in the other.

Let's get through this last stretch of January. Sending a virtual high five to you all.

Please leave a comment or send me an email. :)

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