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Out with the old, in with the new

Putting 2021 to rest and ringing in 2022.

In an effort to end off the year on a positive note, I would like to know what is one of your proudest moments of 2021. Despite the negative you have experienced, you have endured and overcome. I would love to hear about your highlight of 2021. It can be anything - big or even if you think it's something small, the most important is that it is something that matters to you.

I will kick off this discussion. A sort of heart to heart. A proud moment of mine this year is contained in these words you are reading...yes, it is starting this blog. I had begun creating this blog a few months ago but only now actually made the site live and published a few posts. I wasn't able to muster up the confidence and knock the self-doubt from my mind. I turned over many thoughts in my mind: 'This blog is pointless, it's not going to help anyone.' And 'Is anyone even going to read this?' 'Will I receive negative comments?' These are just some of the questions I replayed over and over in my mind. It was as if these thoughts were playing on a loop and only self-doubt ones were on the playlist. Yes, as you all might be thinking to the latter question I can just disable the comments section :). Right, enough about my story for a bit.

In my own reflection of the end of this year, an image of bowling appeared. I am going to make an analogy of sorts: The bowling pins represent our lives this 2021 - how we have progressed through the months and how we might have been knocked down but we know that next year we have a chance to start again. Each day receive a brand new start, but new year is apt, as I am going for a broader sense in my analogy.

The time has arrived. The bowling ball is rolling, picking up speed as it draws nearer, and shortly 2021 will be striked out.

Some of us might not want to leave behind 2021, we might prefer to stay in this year if we could. The are some that are perhaps apprehensive of what the new year will hold. You are not alone in these thoughts. We cannot foresee our future, but let's try to make the most of our remaining hours of 2021 and prepare ourselves to embrace the new year knowing we have the strength to overcome whatever comes our way in 2022. Let's go forward with an openness that this year too can be filled with positives.

On a final note, I want to tell you that there is nothing stopping you from creating your own bit of magic to your day, and also to someone else's day. Together, let's make 2022 a brighter one! Who's with me? :)

Let me know on a comment or get in touch via email.

Let the countdown begin and let's beckon in 2022!


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