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Talk about awkward!...National Awkward Moments Day

"Can't the ground just swallow me up?!!"🙈

We've all thought this a few times, if not many - these moments of shame and embarrassment where we feel like an utter dumb dumb ( sadly for lack of a better word).

You know what though - there is a positive to this. A positive?? How can these moments ever be positive? Well, firstly you're not the first and with certainty not the last to ever make these little mistakes, or find yourself in a situation where you felt embarrassed. I think we actually appear more likeable under certain contexts because it shows that we actually are human just like everyone else - we make mistakes and we experience the same emotions. High five to you my fellow human!🖐 Don't worry there's no question on this website asking you to verify that you are in fact a human and not an A.I. bot😅

Comfort lies in the fact that you are not alone in having experienced these embarrassing moments. So, on that note let's share some of our experiences.

Leave a comment or send me a direct message.

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If you can laugh about your embarrassing experience all the better - you don't take yourself too seriously - you choose to laugh it off and not allow it to consume your thoughts.

Keep moving forward as the unfortunate experiences of today are of the past - rather cast your attention to the future.

Forgeting someone's name of a person who you've known for years.

The classic 'push-pull' of the door or the automatic thanks you too kind of moments when that was not the correct response but we out of habit repeat the same words back to the sender.

Someone waving and you wave back and either they weren't waving to you or you not recognising who that person is and you have known them for ages😅

The list can goes on (sadly)...

What is an embarrassing story of yours...come on share it,

Can the so called 'blonde moments' be included?

Let me know in a comment below👇


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