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The day of LOVE

Valentine's 2022. February 14th. Does this day just make you feel all lovey-dovey and mushy inside? The real romantics will likely feel this way, right? Count me in as a fellow romantic😍

Only one thing is missing - I don't have a Valentine...

Yes, it would be all wonderful to share this day with a significant other and have a reason to treat each other. But you know what? - I am actually okay being on my own sans a valentine. I will be my own Valentine. I had a lovely chat with a friend of mine and we were saying how we can and should celebrate and spoil ourselves. We don't need a Valentine to make us feel great about ourselves. We are strong independent women who knows their worth.

In reference to the Camilla Cabello's music video, Havana,

"I do love you, but I love me more."

You gotta love yourself and there is nothing wrong with being single. I'm sure there are many of you that have been in toxic relationships and are enjoying the freeing feeling of having no obligation to anyone.

Today, I also want to highlight the love we have for other people in our lives, not only the romantic and intimate relationship with a partner. We can celebrate our friendships, our family and love for our fellow neighbour, those whome we simply share an encounter during the course of our day. I hope you are (or did) spread some love and light to other people today. There is something to love about another person...yes even though they might irritate or annoy you at times, they are God's children too and perhaps just we just need to try a little harder to get to know them - to see the beauty they posses. Again, also easier said than done. Let's keep trying though - come on who is with me?! Let's make our world a happier place.

Go on, enjoy the day and spread the love, while also being open to receiving the love from others (not in an unrequited or creepy stalker way though😉), not only today but everyday.đŸ™Œâ€

Happy Valentine's

Avec amour ❀

P.S. I was going to conclude the words 'with love' rather in Latin, which would likely provide you with a giggle but I shall leave you to be the judge. So Google away and see for yourselves... (I think you will then know, and second my decision to omitt😂). If you catch my drift. Don't get me wrong, it's only myself that is making a humourous remark of this as you too might initially acknowledge it in an alternative context, instead of purely understanding the words of this rich cultural language.


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