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Starting today - let the world see and experience what you have to offer!

Not 'now now' - NOW!

Missed opportunities, dreams...just leaving you with memories and feelings of regret.

Doesn't this torture you?

This post is as much of an article for you but also a preach to do some of my own intraspection and re-analyse my own life.

Do you turn an idea(s) over and over in your mind? And the result is that you always talk yourself out of pursuing it?

Bust through that wall. Push it down. Break free!

Those of us who are perhaps more passively inclined, lets put a bit more aggression into it. KaPOW! Say it with me, Yes!

Do you ever just want to scream aloud at the world... this is what I'm wanting to do. For such a long time I have been disheartened by how many of us are just going through the motions. Katy Perry's 'Chained to the rhythm' is playing on a loop in my mind. We owe it to ourselves to make the changes we want in our life. Yes, not all aspects of life are under our control but that doesn't mean we should pretend all is out of our control.

Ignite the fire in you, feel it into your bones, deep in within your core. Make the change(s)*.

*Taking control of your life and thus making the carrying out the actions is recommended there is something to heed. Before throwing all caution to the wind it would still be recommended to analyse your situation thoroughly and what you want to accomplish, to avoid making a hasty decision.

I will leave it at this for now, I hope this will be the motivation your need to begin or continue something that makes you happy.

Liked this article and would enjoy reading more about this topic? I won't leave you hanging! I will be delving deeper in more posts to follow.

Please leave a comment or get in touch. Share this with others if this is something from which they could benefit. Tell me your thoughts on this topic and your progress!

Let's make our dreams happen!



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